A Cat In Every Office
9 years ago
The scientists in the field of micro cellular biology and mathematics managed to build a "computer" using bacteria. To be more precise E. coli bacteria.There was a lot of fuss on the web about this subject but I found no real academic comment about this break through (as they call it).
"Code Therapy - 6000 LOC in 4 days" © Seneka.The secret is too get yourself involved in a time consuming project (like a bachelor dedegree) and don't do anything for it. One week before the deadline start coding like you never did before. For me it worked like this (4 days program):
There is a truth teller (always tells the truth), a liar (always lies), and one that sometimes answers truthfully and sometimes lies. Each man knows who is who. You may ask three yes or no question to determine who is who. Each time you ask a question, it must only be directed to one of the men (of your choice). You may ask the same question more than once, but of course it will count towards your total. What are your questions and to whom will you ask them?
SYMPTOMS: When you try to return data from Microsoft Query 97 to a Microsoft Excel 97 worksheet, the spinning globe icon (which signifies that a query is processing) may appear for a long time, and then the query returns no data to your worksheet.The other workarounds can be found here but this is the clever one.
WORKAROUND: If you move your mouse pointer continuously while the data is being returned to Microsoft Excel, the query may not fail. Do not stop moving the mouse until all the data has been returned to Microsoft Excel.